Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I've been working on my paper...

This is going to be my reward for working hard for an hour and getting 2 pages written! Granted they're not the most brilliant or riveting 2 pages that have ever been written, but this means that now I only have to write one more page then I can be done... And move on to the next thing I have to work on. Like almost everyone else in class I'm really stressed right now and was close to have a panic attack earlier and crawling into my bed and not getting out ever. Maybe that's a little dramatic, but that's how I feel when I'm too stressed. And trust me, it takes a lot to get my stress level that high...A lot being the following: An essay about 5 really long articles that's due tomorrow, reading a book then writing another essay similar to the one that's due tomorrow for next week, writing another essay about a primary history source that is also due on Thursday next week, writing up my proposal for my super awesome biology project, and finally writing an annotative bibliography from all the amphibian decline papers I read a while back. And I think that's all... Oh wait I forgot the history terms... Darn... Well I guess I better get working since all of this has to be done in the next 19 days! AHHHHHH!!!

Copious amounts of Beatles music and a super tasty smootie from the SUB calmed me down enough to write the earlier mentioned 2 pages and I'm feeling a bit better. Also just writing all of what I have to do has calmed me down too... I don't know why but it feels more achievable now...

Frog time!
Hylomantis lemur
I can't really find too terribly much about this frog except for the fact that it used to be found in Columbia, Panama, and Costa Rica. Now it's endangered. It's also a member of Hylidae, which means it's a tree frog! I probably won't get to see this frog while we're in Panama....
Now to get back to work...

1 comment:

  1. If this were Facebook I would "like" this post haha. Not the stress part but just in general =)
