Monday, February 1, 2010

I can read with my eyes closed!

So I spend all weekend reading Open Veins of Latin America, supplemented by the occasional watching of the Discovery Channel (Planet Earth was on all day on Sunday!). Now that I've gotten over halfway through the book the main theme of it is really starting to wear on me... Apparently anything that Latin American countries have that anyone else in the world wants is theirs to take. And they leave death and failing economies behind them. Its just getting very hard for me to read cause it's the same thing, only with different materials page after page. The idea of reading this book is now so firmly ingrained in my brain that I dreamed I was reading the book with my eyes closed. How's that for talent?

Moving on to something entirely different I can't believe I'm actually going to Panama in 15 days! I know I should probably start wrapping my brain around this idea since, well in a little over 2 weeks I'll be getting on a plane for the first time ever and land in another country. I guess I've been so caught up in the here and now I haven't really had time to grasp that idea. Hopefully it'll slow down some time soon so I don't have a panic attack the day before I leave or while on the plane... Just needed to get that thought off my chest.

Now for something completely different! Frog of this blog time!
Centrolene ilex
This species of frog is a member of the glass frog family, which means you can see their internal organs through their translucent underbelly skin, as seen to the left. They're found throughout Central America and into Colombia in the subtropical and tropical lowland forest, rivers, streams, and montane forests. According to Wikipedia they're not super threatened right now, but the chances of me actually seeing this species of frog is rare according to the key that the director of La MICA sent us.
Cool tid-bit though. While watching Planet Earth
yesterday I saw this species of frog and freaked out cause I knew what I was. I was so excited! Their eyes are very interesting and distinctive me thinks!

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