Friday, March 26, 2010

Frog time!

So not too much has happened since last week. We had a birthday party with a terrifyingly cool pinata (we think it was some kind of goat-moose creature), and I spend my free days in the park helping the lizard people with their project. We actually spent all day one day and spent the night the next night working on their project. It was super exciting actually. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Wednesday we went on one of out marathon excursions around Panama. First we went to a sugar refinery, which was an interesting experience. The smell was horrible and it was very hot in the factory. We actually spent more time listening to the tour guide talk then looking at the factory. It got kind of old very quickly, but the actual factory was a cool experience.

After the sugar refinery we had lunch in Aguadulce. Then after that we went to one of the oldest churches in the Americas. It was a really cool old church, go figure ;D
Once we left the church we went to El Cano, an archeological dig site that's open to the public. They had a pretty cool little museum with artifacts and also have these stone pillars in a field that they're not sure what they were actually used for. The cool part though was the 5 skeletons they have in one of the old excavation sites. They're pretty nifty! All the artifacts are from one of the old Panamanian indigenous tribes. It was a pretty cool day, exhausting though...

So I've saved the best for last. So on Monday (we went back in time for a minute) we went to El Valle, which is about 3 hours away from El Cope (where we live). It's a real touristy kinda town with a market in the middle of town, but it's nice and small and I really like it. The best part of this place is in the zoo. The El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center is located in the zoo and is working to save the frogs! We went as a group and explored for most of the day then me, Dan, and Leslie spent the night and helped out at the cent the next day. I got to clean the cages of the Golden Frog and I was so excited! They're such pretty frogs and they watch you while you feed them and clean their cages. I love them so much and I love getting to help out here.

I love it so much actually that I came back for my free days! So right now the same group of us are helping out again. We can into town yesterday and are leaving tomorrow. Today we get to clean out some cages, which means I actually get go hold the frogs. So exciting!!
The other great part about El Valle is the fact that we get to stay in our own little house. It's just a really nice little house and I love it. I'm not sure why, but I do.

Well I'm having issues conveying my excitement in writing so I'm gonna go and hopefully today will be awesome!!

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