Saturday, March 13, 2010

So the other day was the halfway point of our stay here in Panama. I think that means we have like... 3 more weeks here or something? Which is crazy. I don't feel like I've had any time to actually work on my project and am starting to get rather stressed about getting it all done...
Any way last week when we left Panama City we headed back to La MICA. Once we got back it was super muddy and the trail to La MICA was terrible and I didn't like it. When it's muddy I fall down lots and it's horrible. There's this horrible hill that we have to walk down and I fall down every time it's muddy and it makes me sad.. So many pants ruined...

Moving on from that. We spent a few days hanging out at La MICA, doing homework, going to the park, etc. It was super rainy so nothing exciting happened since all the animals hide when it rains... We were supposed to go to Santa Marta on Sunday, a community in the mountains that has no electricity. Alas it was raining too much and the road was bad so we couldn't get through. So we spent the day fixing up the trails around La MICA and now most of them are very nice. :D
We left for Santa Marta on Monday instead and that was exciting. It was a scary chiva ride on the side of the mountain and was bumpy and twisty and mostly up hill... Good times...
Once we got there we were paired up with families to stay with since we were doing home stays. We awkwardly stood by our family and tried to talk to them for a bit until we had to go help make backpacks for the kids, since Tuesday was their first day of school. It was chaotic, but we got it done.

Once that was over we went home with our families and sat awkwardly around for a bit. The first day we were all scared to speak Spanish and had trouble understanding our family, but by Friday when we left we were very comfortable there and it was much easier to make conversation. I feel like my Spanish is way better now than it was when we first got there. Yay Spanish skills!

Wednesday was one of the worse days of my life. I'm not gonna lie. They made us walk up a mountain, without informing us of how much walking we would be doing and how much water we would need. The first part of the hike was ok and the views were wonderful, but the second part was terrible. We pretty much hiked straight up a mountain for 3 hours... And we we got to the top it was very disappointing. It was the plane that crashed in the 80's killing Omar Torrijos, beloved general in Panama. It was half a plane and not worth the hike. I was so tired at the top that I was crying and it ruined my mood for the rest of the trip. Stupid plane... I don't wanna talk about it any more...

Moving on. The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful. We did have a fiesta on Thursday night. And they made us dance with the Panamanians from the town. It was kinda awkward. Nothing like being wrapped in the arms of a Panamanian man who's a foot shorter than you! It was fun though. :D

Oh! I forgot to mention that we went and saw some awesome waterfalls! I they were so, so pretty. And we jumped off of the rocks on the side of them, which was super fun!! Yay waterfalls!

It's been pretty uneventful since we got from Santa Marta. We swabbed so frogs, wrote down what they were. I got kinda homesick, but other than that not too exciting.
(Cool frog we found. He's blue and orange :D)

Oh yeah. It's my birthday, I guess that's exciting! I got jello last night as an early present from Julie. She also made me a nice card. And now I have internet! It's a good day.

I'm gonna go be productive now!!! Wooh internet!!!

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