Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One week out!

So I am slowly coming to terms with the fact that next week at this time we will be in Panama. I'm trying to imagine what this will be like but I currently can't see past the airplane. I have suddenly developed a horrible, deathly fear of flying, which is something I've never done before. Since I've never been on a plane before my imagination has taken over and I've come up with horrible visions of what airports and flying will be like. Over the weekend I decided that the plane is going to just fall out of the sky... Or that the security people will decide that something I'm taking with me is dangerous and arrest me... Or that someone will steal my bag and I won't have any clothes the whole time we're in Panama... People keep telling me that none of this is going to happen, but my imagination is running rampant with these ideas and won't stop.

On a happier note about the weekend I spent all day with my mom on Friday. We watched Project Runway and went to Walmart, which is always super fun. I also asked my mom for colored pens last week to take with me and when I got home on Thursday she had about 5 different packs of pens on my bed, 2 of which are water proof pens that don't smudge when you write with them or when they get wet, so those are coming with me to Panama! We also started packing and sorting through the things that I need to bring with me, which is when the fact that we're really leaving next week hit me hard and the airplane terror started.

Another fun thing about Friday was the fact that I spent all night watching all of the Indiana Jones movies with my best friend. That's right, all four of them. It was fun since he'd nev
er seen them before so I got to flaunt my knowledge of movies to him for once as he's always rubbing in the fact that he's seen more Star Trek than me...
While watching Indiana Jones I couldn't help but notice how our class has affected me already. At the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark I found myself wondering what South American country that mystical gold idol was in and was using what we've learned in class to figure it out... I'm still not sure... My ears also perked up at the mention of Pancho Villa in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull since we just learned about him in class that day. Indy mentioned that he learned Quechua from some of Villa's men, but that just started me wondering why people in Mexico would know a language from the Andes... Don't worry though Indy, I still love you. It will take more than a few inconsistencies to break my life-long love for you!

Today was our last day of the history and JINS classes state side and I feel like I'm going to miss them. I am excited to actually see what we're learning about, but I do have a love of the classroom environment. We had a really good discussion about race today in JINS and I'm still thinking about what else could have been said and trying to wrap my head around many of the topics we discussed. We all made very good arguments as to why race still exists socially even though there is no biological basis to it. It was a good way to end class in my opinion, since I enjoy trying to understand how other people see the world and what they took from the Wade reading.

The rest of this week is going to be finishing up our proposal, which is due tomorrow, so I guess I better start looking at that a bit more, then coming up with a topic for the paper about Wade. Happily the Wade paper isn't due until next week when we're in Panama so I have plenty of time to work on that. Thank goodness, I can relax and finish the packing that I started over the weekend with my mom.
So I guess there's still quite a bit to do before we go. Oh well, not too worry. At least I've been able to sleep, which is an improvement over last week!

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