Sunday, February 14, 2010

So we have about a day until the St. Louis group leaves for Panama. I'm actually getting less nervous as time goes on, I'm not really sure why though, since you'd think it would be the opposite....

Well I've spent a lot of my last weekend at home watching the Olympics with my family. I've figure since I'm gonna be gone for most of the Olympics I'll watch as much of them as I can now.
I actually spent several hours last night with my best friend and little sister trying to figure out how mogul skiing works. I think we might actually have figured it out, so we're excited about that. I'm enjoying learning all of the strange winter sports, like the biathlon where the people have to cross country ski then shoot targets with guns. I'd really like to learn the story behind that sport.... Speed skating is my favorite though. It's really intense and I like to watch Apolo Ohno skate. I've decided he has telekinesis since in all of his races people have fallen down and he magically wins. You go telekinetic Apolo Ohno.

The rest of my weekend has been spent doing last minute packing and shopping and spending lots of times with my family. I'm really glad we're allowed to have 2 check bags cause I'm not sure if all of my stuff would have made it down in one. My giant duffel bag is cram packed with stuff and a few things got left out, so this second check bag is a life saver! Oh! Also my mom bought me 2 baseball hats and got one embroidered with a frog and the other one says "I <3 Frogs." I like them lots and they make me happy :D Well I think I'm gonna end my last post in the States. I'll check back in once I get to Panama at some point. Our internet access is a little more limited than we thought it would be so we'll see how often I can get on. Here is a Red Eyed

Tree Frog saying ta ta for now! And I will too!

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