Tuesday, February 2, 2010

♫ ♪ We all live in a Pokemon world! ♪♫

So I don't know how many of you guys are actually secret Pokemon fans, but I woke up in a Pokemon kinda mood this morning. I still haven't gotten over loving Pokemon, even though I'm almost 20 now. It's so corny and the games make me happy, and that's all that matters, right? The Pokemon-ness was abruptly ended once we got to class, but before then it was a Pokemon kinda day, which is always a good thing I suppose.
Here's something I made when it was Pokemon Profile picture month, just supporting the fact that
I'm a dork.
Don't judge :D

There really isn't a point to the post except that talking about a frog is my reward for writing my primary source essay that's due on Thursday! That's one more thing checked off my list. Now all I have to do is write another essay on the Galeano book by Saturday, read another book by next Tuesday (good news, this one's only 116 pages instead of 300!!),write an essay on that book, finish working on my project proposal with Leslie and have that done by next Wednesday, do some last minute shopping and start packing for Panama this weekend. Yay! Only
two more weeks!

Also I finished that book I mentioned last time, and just so everyone knows, the word
zombie is on the last page in the last paragraph. Sadly that's one of my favorite parts of that entire book, out of that whole book. . I also learned what I mentioned last time about countries taking whatever they wanted from Latin American countries. But also the word zombie, which has made for some pretty interesting conversations about how the book was really just written to say that we're headed towards a zombie apocalypse...

So any way, frog of the day is:

Dendrobates auratus

Otherwise known as the green and black poison dart frog. It's not particularly exciting, just brightly colored and poisonous! It comes in lots of different colors too, so don't let the name confused you. Apparently in Panama there is actually a blue and black morph... Interesting...


  1. So, is your essay going to be about the zombie apocalypse, or are you going to go for something more academic?

  2. I wish I could write my essay about the zombie apocalypse... But I don't see that going over so well...

  3. Never apologize for loving Pokemon. I still do. Take comfort in that you are not alone.

  4. Agreed, also nice photoshop work!

  5. Yay! I am so comforted by the fact that I'm not the only Pokemon dork out ther.
    And thanks Stacy. I was very proud of it. I made a few more too, just cause I'm a dork like that :D
